Friday, September 4, 2020
Human trafficking in the United States and is human trafficking Research Paper
Human dealing in the United States and is human dealing related or related to neediness - Research Paper Example This examination decides to investigate an assortment of regions identified with human dealing and the force of destitution as an easing reason for human dealing. The reason for the examination is to distinguish elements of destitution and their relationship with human dealing in the US. These components incorporate pay levels of people in their starting point nations, their age and sex. The proposed examination will join past exploration and measurements on human dealing in the US brought about by neediness and poor monetary conditions in different nations. Besides, the exploration will frame a quantitative examination that will survey the relationship of the recognized three factors with expanded degree of human dealing in the US. The proposed examination will be helpful as it would permit its clients to comprehend what financial conditions and segment factors are included and how they add to serious issue of human dealing in the US. In light of the idea of our examination it is suggested that an exploratory methodology is utilized for this exploration. Exploratory examination gives bits of knowledge into and perception of an issue or circumstance (Gettys, 1980). Taking into account the proposed investigation the chose research system will be founded on quantitative examination that will include assortment of information that is numerical and non-spellbinding. The information will be arranged by the reactions in regards to every neediness variable gathered through the study poll. Review survey to be intended for the exploration and devices for breaking down reactions are examined in another segment of this proposition. The auxiliary information is assembled from various assets. This includes the scholastic sources. The utilization of this optional different source information helps the specialist with an opportunity to detail a target and legitimate examination. Additionally proof from the human dealing database specifically IOM, a significant cross-national establishment of essential information on
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Masters Degree in Jazz Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Bosses Degree in Jazz Music - Essay Example What makes the circumstance significantly all the more troubling is the absence of acknowledgment from the specialists. The administration likes to advance Thailand as a place that is known for customary music and workmanship. The conventional music is supported though the more contemporary structures are sidelined. As accepting acknowledgment itself is extremely troublesome in the nation, the possibilities of examining music are depressing. Further, the view of music is contorted by the media. There is practically no comprehension of the different types of music even by a portion of the famous music organizations in Thailand. Thus the individuals of my nation don't put craftsmen, particularly performers in high respect. My nation, which is a creating one, thinks about designing sciences, clinical sciences, and other such fields to be more decent than expressions and music. The regular misconception of the individuals of Thailand is that there is no future in fields like music. The standpoint is incredibly limited and their convictions come from their absence of information on anything outside their quick vocation interests. This upsetting lost feeling of prevalence among the probably increasingly instructed class of experts in the different fields of sciences is progressively inconvenient to the development of the youthful melodic ability in the nation than all else. These thoughts will in general be passed down from the more established ages to the more youthful ones in this way debilitating last to genuinely consider music as a full-time vocation. The adolescents avoid music vocations as they are hesitant to be thought of lesser than their friends for their decision of profession. In nations like the United States of America, kids are given a free rule most definitely and personââ¬â¢s capacities and intrigued are offered significance to. In Thailand, in any case, the individuals are driven by their conventionalist and moderate ideas.â â
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Asimov On Chemistry By Isaac Asimov :: essays research papers
Asimov On Chemistry by Isaac Asimov à à à à à The Book Asimov on Chemistry by Isaac Asimov is an assortment of seventeen papers that he composed for The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. This book is one of ten that were distributed by Doubleday and Company, Inc. Not the entirety of the books focused on science and like science. Most simply secured anything Isaac Asimov pondered about. These Essays go back very aways with a run from January 1959 to April 1966. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY The Weighting Game à â â â â This I saw as the most exhausting in the entire book. It covers compound nuclear weight and physical nuclear weight. It additionally gives substance techniques that decide the nuclear weight. Slow consume à à à à à This is a depiction of how Isaac newton added to the field of science alongside what human advancements thought of science. At that point he talks about a pathologically timid, absentminded, stodgy, ladies detesting physicist. This man made a few revelations about inflammable gas and demonstrated water to be an oxide. The Element of Perfection à à à à à Asimov discusses stargazers in the mid 1800's, and how they made the spectroscope. At exactly that point does he begin to make reference to a component a french physicist belived to be new or possibly only a heavier from of nitrogen. Latent gases and there liquefaction focuses are then recorded along when they when fisrt condensed by a physicist. Welcome, Stranger! à à à à à This discusses the rarest of stable enert gases, xenon. It likewise tells why that in 1962 such huge numbers of expirements were finished including this gas. Fisrt it characterizes the word gas, and discusses various sorts in around four pages. Thens he discusses how it is joined with flourine to shape a toxic substance. Passing in the Labratory à à à à à Here Asimov discusses how researchers have passed on because of poor lab conditions and different issues. He additionally reveals to you a couple of approach to harm youself in a lab, for example, blending xenon and flourine. He at that point goes off and clarifies how flourine was utilized and found alongside who passed on in this procedure. A couple different noxious substance mixes are likewise referenced. To Tell a Chemist à à à à à This is Isaac Asimov's method of telling in the event that somebody is scientific expert or not. The two inquiries are: (1) How would you articulate UNIONIZED? furthermore, (2) what is a mole? He feels that on the off chance that you can say un-EYE-on-ized and talk for quite a long time about sub-atomic weight to characterize mole, at that point you should be a scientific expert. Atomic CHEMISTRY The Evens Have It à à à à à Concluded here is the means by which isotopes are unfeasible and how to distinguish them. He then descibes how an isotope is developed. likewise he says a component with an
The Navigation of Christopher Columbus and the Age of Discovery Essay
Prior to starting the examination for this work, I had moved toward delivering a paper and introduction which nitty gritty the historical backdrop of untamed ocean route and the challenges and threats which would have confronted mariners and sailors during the Age of Discovery. My reason was that we, living in the twentifirst century, had put some distance between the truth of exactly how perilous a journey, for example, that attempted by Columbus was. I had planned to have the option to catch for the audience and peruser a feeling of miracle at the intense eagerness to chance life and appendage that was exhibited by the wayfarers of this time as they left the wellbeing of the waters and seas that they knew, to challenge the obscure. I had needed to catch that sentiment of stomach-dropping apprehension that I accepted these bold men more likely than not experienced as the headlands they were keep slipped separate from sight beneath the skyline, perhaps gone forever. Had I been effect ive recorded as a hard copy such a paper, I would have succeeded not in investigating history, but instead in delivering fiction. Despite the fact that Columbus absolutely merits acknowledgment just like the one to really open the route to the New World for Renaissance Europe, and every one of that was to follow, he was not the high-stakes daring individual that a few history specialists would have us accept. Be that as it may, nor was he the blundering unrealistic figure introduced by the individuals who, for their own reasons, endeavor to introduce him as a crazy dolt, or, best case scenario, an amazingly fortunate academic. What is valid about Christopher Columbus is that, for the occasions where he lived, he was a very much perused and learned geographer. Columbus was an understudy of route and cruising, and in that capacity, his comprehension of the world wherein he lived depended on works beforehand com... ...tis: An Archeological Odyssey (New York: Random House. 1991) Deal, Kirkpatrick. The Conquest of Paradise: Christopher Columbus and the Columbian Legacy (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 1990) Seeds, Michael A. Skylines: Exploring the Universe (Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Company. 1998) Tagliattini, Maurizio. (1991 and 1998) Chapter 10. Christopher Pellegrino or Christopher Columbus: A Critical Study on the Origin of Christopher Columbus The Discovery of North America: A Documented History [Online] Available: Taylor, E. G. R. The Haven-Finding Art: A History of Navigation from Odysseus to Captain Cook (New York: American Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc. 1971) Williams, J. E. D. From Sails to Satellites: The Origin and Development of Navigational Science (Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1992) The Navigation of Christopher Columbus and the Age of Discovery Essay Prior to starting the exploration for this work, I had moved toward creating a paper and introduction which nitty gritty the historical backdrop of untamed ocean route and the challenges and risks which would have confronted mariners and sailors during the Age of Discovery. My reason was that we, living in the twentifirst century, had put some distance between the truth of exactly how unsafe a journey, for example, that embraced by Columbus was. I had planned to have the option to catch for the audience and peruser a feeling of marvel at the intense readiness to chance life and appendage that was exhibited by the adventurers of this time as they left the security of the waters and seas that they knew, to challenge the obscure. I had needed to catch that sentiment of stomach-dropping apprehension that I accepted these daring men probably experienced as the headlands they were keep slipped separate from sight underneath the skyline, perhaps gone forever. Had I been effective recorded a s a hard copy such a paper, I would have succeeded not in investigating history, yet rather in creating fiction. Despite the fact that Columbus positively merits acknowledgment just like the one to really open the route to the New World for Renaissance Europe, and every one of that was to follow, he was not the high-stakes daring individual that a few students of history would have us accept. Be that as it may, nor was he the blundering impractical figure introduced by the individuals who, for their own reasons, endeavor to introduce him as a crazy nitwit, or, best case scenario, an amazingly fortunate academic. What is valid about Christopher Columbus is that, for the occasions wherein he lived, he was an all around read and learned geographer. Columbus was an understudy of route and cruising, and all things considered, his comprehension of the world wherein he lived depended on works already com... ...tis: An Archeological Odyssey (New York: Random House. 1991) Deal, Kirkpatrick. The Conquest of Paradise: Christopher Columbus and the Columbian Legacy (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 1990) Seeds, Michael A. Skylines: Exploring the Universe (Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Company. 1998) Tagliattini, Maurizio. (1991 and 1998) Chapter 10. Christopher Pellegrino or Christopher Columbus: A Critical Study on the Origin of Christopher Columbus The Discovery of North America: A Documented History [Online] Available: Taylor, E. G. R. The Haven-Finding Art: A History of Navigation from Odysseus to Captain Cook (New York: American Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc. 1971) Williams, J. E. D. From Sails to Satellites: The Origin and Development of Navigational Science (Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1992)
Friday, August 21, 2020
The speech used is full of double meanings and there are many symbolic features in the play Essay Example For Students
The discourse utilized is loaded with twofold implications and there are numerous representative highlights in the play Essay Romeo and Juliet is a serious and emotional play which requires a great deal of thought. The discourse utilized is loaded with twofold implications and there are numerous representative highlights in the play. The creator of the play, William Shakespeare was conceived on the 23rd of April 1564 in Stratford upon Avon. He was at first a teacher and afterward a writer. Shakespeare began composing books in 1592, he likewise composed for James the first. He wedded in 1582 to Anne Hathaway. They had two little girls and one child who lamentably passed on at an early age and was covered in Stratford upon Avon. William Shakespeare passed on at 52 years old on the 23rd of April 1616. He excessively was covered in Stratford upon Avon. We will compose a custom article on The discourse utilized is loaded with twofold implications and there are numerous representative highlights in the play explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now The play Romeo and Juliet shows what life resembled around then that Shakespeare was composing. It shows the way of life of the time and what the individuals trusted in. Young ladies were viewed as the property of their dads, for instance. The realistic subtleties and his clear creative mind truly breath life into the play. Juliets father has organized her to wed the tally, Paris. We realize that Juliet wouldn't like to wed Paris since she is continually contemplating Romeo, she is likewise apprehensive in light of the fact that she has trespassed against god, she says in the content for I have need of numerous orisons to move the sky to bless my face. Juliet is given a mixture which will cause her to show up dead however won't execute her with the goal that she can wed Romeo subtly. Juliet is terrified to accept the elixir as it might not have the ideal impact on her, What if this blend don't work by any means? Will I be hitched then tomorrow first thing? No, no, this will disallow it, lie thee there. setting out her blade. And afterward she proceeds to state imagine a scenario in which it be a toxin which the Friar unpretentiously hath tended to have me dead. She nearly gets back to the medical caretaker since she is so terrified and she is likewise desolate yet concludes there is no requirement for t he attendant to be there and that taking the mixture is a demonstration that she ought to do in her own organization. William Shakespeare depicts Juliet well indeed. He utilizes the beginning of the scene to show the crowd the enormous weight that Juliet is under. His utilization of words, for example, cool dread excites and freezes up the warmth of life shows how frantic she is for the elixir to work and how she feels about it not functioning. She wouldn't like to wed Paris and would prefer to pass on than do as such however must choose between limited options. Shakespeare has utilized the discussion between Juliets mother and the medical attendant to show the watcher how forlorn Juliet is feeling. This goes on to Juliets monologue. Juliet begins examining herself regarding taking the elixir. On the stage bearing it gives us she has arranged a blade, Laying down her blade. It shows she acts alone, she wouldn't like to wed Paris and this shows she expects not to. William Shakespeare takes us through at any rate five fascinating circumstances among Juliet and her still, small voice. For every one Shakespeare utilizes realistic portrayal to give us a superior comprehension of the contention and disarray Juliet is experiencing. These realistic portrayals that Shakespeare takes us through get expanding tense. Juliet is loaded up with frightful considerations, Is the Friar genuine?, and Will I alert in the tomb before he comes? Juliet ponders this mixture, what will happen would she say she is takes it, what will occur on the off chance that she doesnt? She is likewise terrified that elixir may really execute her. I have a black out virus dread rush through my veins. In spite of this she despite everything drinks the mixture. .u4246fb237ac101d7621a22b3b3bfabea , .u4246fb237ac101d7621a22b3b3bfabea .postImageUrl , .u4246fb237ac101d7621a22b3b3bfabea .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u4246fb237ac101d7621a22b3b3bfabea , .u4246fb237ac101d7621a22b3b3bfabea:hover , .u4246fb237ac101d7621a22b3b3bfabea:visited , .u4246fb237ac101d7621a22b3b3bfabea:active { border:0!important; } .u4246fb237ac101d7621a22b3b3bfabea .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u4246fb237ac101d7621a22b3b3bfabea { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u4246fb237ac101d7621a22b3b3bfabea:active , .u4246fb237ac101d7621a22b3b3bfabea:hover { mistiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u4246fb237ac101d7621a22b3b3bfabea .focused content region { width: 100%; position: rela tive; } .u4246fb237ac101d7621a22b3b3bfabea .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content improvement: underline; } .u4246fb237ac101d7621a22b3b3bfabea .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u4246fb237ac101d7621a22b3b3bfabea .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4246fb237ac101d7621a22b3b3bfabea:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u4246fb 237ac101d7621a22b3b3bfabea .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u4246fb237ac101d7621a22b3b3bfabea-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u4246fb237ac101d7621a22b3b3bfabea:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Shylock is a shocking figure, caught by preference and headed to vindicate by the treatment he gets EssayIf this blend doesn't work will she wed Paris in the first part of the day? She rests with a blade close to her on the off chance that the elixir doesn't function as it is said to. Imagine a scenario in which this blend is poison that the Friar gave her as a discipline for her wrongdoing. These are on the whole contemplations experiencing her head. It appears as if she is going frantic. Consider the possibility that she awakens in a tomb covered with all other spoiled tissue of her precursors. She may even be let go cl ose to Tybalt! Imagine a scenario where she rises and shines covered, what detestable scents and shrikes like mandrakes detached from the earth. O, in the event that I wake, will I not be distressed, environed with al these ugly feelings of trepidation, and frantically play with my ancestors joints, and pluck the ruined Tybalt from his cover, and in this fierceness with some extraordinary kinsmans bone, likewise with a club, run out my desprate minds? The utilization of words here is extremely solid and shows Juliets anguish at the elixir not working and how befuddled she is about the circumstance. She at that point falls on to her bed. There is unequivocal and ground-breaking topic in Juliets monologue of death and self destruction. A couple of star-crossed darlings end their life, is the underlying expression that recommends this. The language utilized all through the play and unquestionably in Juliets talk has many negative implications which connect with the crowd as they need to recognize what the result will be.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Some Admissions FAQs to keep you company this Election Day COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Some Admissions FAQs to keep you company this Election Day COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The Office of Admissions Financial Aid is closed today for a university-wide holiday Election Day. Well reopen during normal business hours on Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016. In the interim, I know youve got questions; especially if youve applied to the Spring 2017. So see below some of the common questions (with answers) weve gotten in the last week. When will Spring 2017 admissions decisions be released? Keep an eye on your inbox as decisions will go out in the next 2-3 weeks. If admitted, how long will I have to make my decision? Refer to the details in your admission letter, but typically for spring its a tight turnaround and most applicants are given two weeks. If Im not admitted, can I reapply? Of course! I just wouldnt recommend reapplying for Fall 2017 admission. Basically, youre only giving yourself 3-4 months between applications, and Im looking to see how youve enhanced your candidacy since your last application. In the eyes of the Admissions Committee its tough to make a compelling case in only a couple of months, so take a full year, year-and-a-half, or longer to strengthen your application and gain greater focus on what you exactly want to do. (And reference your admissions decision letter and the Evaluation Criteria page for details on what we look for in a strong candidate.) How can I stay involved with SIPA before I start the program (if admitted or Im applying to Fall 2017)? Great question! First, dont unsubscribe to our emails because when you do you unsubscribe from EVERYTHING emailed by the Admissions Office, join us for the kick-off Diversity Spotlight Series event on Nov. 14, and browse SIPAs Calendar of Events for more upcoming events. Im also hosting a series of Facebook Live sessions with our concentration directors, so check the Recruitment Calendar frequently as the list will be updated throughout the winter. Im applying to Fall 2017 and Im new to the Admissions Blog. Help! How to access (and prepare for) the admissions video essay and Tips for Spring 2017 applicants should help get you on your feet. (Yes, even if youre applying to Fall, read the Spring blog post!) Well, thats all Ive got for now. Enjoy your Tuesday, and until next time. ??
Monday, June 22, 2020
Clauses Examples
Clauses Examples Clauses A clause is a group of words that contains both a subject and a predicate (or a verb). There are two types of clauses Examples of Clauses: Independent Clauses are complete sentences. They can stand alone and express a complete thought. Examples: I want some cereal. Marie likes cats. Joseph is a good soccer player. Dependent Clauses contain a subject and a predicate, but they do not express a complete thought. Examples: When it is raining Because you were late Before you go to bed All of these groups of words contain both a subject and a verb, but they cannot stand alone. They do not express a complete thought. There are three main types of dependent clauses: adjective, adverb, and noun. They are named by the way they function in a sentence. An adjective clause describes or gives more information about a noun-tells us which one, what kind, or how many. Example: The bag that someone left on the bus belongs to Mrs. Smith. An adverb clause describes or gives more information about the verb-tells us when, where, how, to what extent, or under what condition something is happening. Example: She cried because her seashell was broken. A noun clause takes the place of a noun in the sentence. Example: Whoever ate the last piece of pie owes me!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Causes and Effects of Distracted Driving Essay examples
The Causes and Effects of Distracted Driving Distracted driving is one of the fastest growing problems in the United States. It is starting to be considered as serious as drunk driving based on the dangerous outcomes. According to the Department of Transportation (2012), ââ¬Å"distracted driving was a cause of roughly 450,000 accident-related injuries and nearly 5,500 fatalities in 2009 aloneâ⬠(para. 1). Drivers who allow themselves to become distracted while driving are not only endangering themselves, but other innocent bystanders. According to Esurancesââ¬â¢ website (2013), ââ¬Å"there are three main categories of distracted driving; cognitive, manual, and visualâ⬠(para. 1). Anything that prevents these three skills fromâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦5). Drivers have been listening to music, podcast, and talk radio for countless years; however, as of late, drivers have been starting to use headphones instead of their vehicles speakers. When a driver does this , it decreases their awareness and limits their hearing enough to where they would not hear the warning signs and could cause serious accidents. Manual distractions are when the driver takes their hands off the wheel to do something other than driving. Manual distractions are the easiest to avoid, because the driver can make the choice to not do something. People do not think that messing with an iPod can cause dangers. Although, if the driver thinks about it, it is just the same as messing with a cell phone which is the same distraction. According to the Department of Transportation (2012), ââ¬Å"sending or receiving a text takes a drivers eyes from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds. This is the equivalent to driving at 55 mph-of driving the length of an entire football field blindâ⬠(para. 8). There are so many distractions out there that people do them everyday without even thinking that they are endangering themselves and innocent bystanders. Using a cell phone while driving has become the biggest manual distraction while driving. According to a study, conducted by The University of Utah (2013),Show MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Texting And Driving Essay1700 Words à |à 7 Pagesaround; I was texting and driving. While I was aware of the possible consequences of texting and driving, I did not think too much about it until I collided with this man. I may not have killed the pedestrian, but the jury was unable to convict me of anything because they had no hard proof of my suspected texting and driving. The fourth amendment protects citizens from unreasonable searches or seizures, and states that no warrants shall be issued without probable cause. Unfortunately, this meantRead MoreA Public Service Announcement ( Psa ) Can Help Reduce The Number Of Distracted Driving Accidents?957 Words à |à 4 PagesAnnouncement (PSA) can help reduce the number of distracted driving accidents by explaining the horrible effects of distracted dr iving and the best ways to prevent distracted driving. Currently, the main source of distracted driving is cell phones. Cell phones cause a person to text, call, and use social media while driving; all factors that can be a deadly distraction while driving. A cell phone causes much distraction for the driver and may cause the driver to have a car crash that not only affectsRead MoreDistracted Driving Is The Most Dangerous Distraction Essay870 Words à |à 4 Pagesprohibiting distracted driving by understanding the risk factors, and the effects of distracted driving. 1 Topic A: Details B: Quotations C: Example 1: Explanation 2. Analysis What is Distracted driving? Texting is the most dangerous distraction because it requires visual, manual, and cognitive attention (Facts and Statistics). Distracted driving is an increasing problem in the United States and among younger drivers. According to reports, distracted driving is similar to drunk driving becauseRead MoreDistracted Driving Annotated Bibliography1727 Words à |à 7 PagesAnnotated Bibliography Distracted Driving. Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2012. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 6 Mar. 2013. In this article ââ¬Å"Distracted Drivingâ⬠, many distractions are mentioned other than just cell phone usage, such as changing the radio station or driving with kids in the back seat. It is stated that the dangers from distracted driving are because of the decrease in brain function and inability to pay full attention to the road. These practicesRead MoreEssay Accidents Caused by Texting and Driving 706 Words à |à 3 Pagesteens texting while driving has risen . Researchers at Cohen Childrens Medical Center New Hyde Park estimated 3,000 annual teen deaths nationwide from texting and 300,000 injuries (Ricks). This is more than the number of teens who drink and drive. In comparison, 2,700 teens die from drinking and driving. Because of texting and driving, there has been an increase car crashes, teen injuries and teen deaths. First, car crashes have increase. Its illegal to text while driving in most U.S. statesRead MoreThroughout The History Of The World, People Have Thought1299 Words à |à 6 Pagesphones were viewed as potentially dangerous, because of possible health effects due to radiation. These two views vary greatly, but both have legitimate reasons for their concerns. Modern cell phones have an uncanny ability to distract users from important situations: specifically, distracted walking and driving. For example, researchers, Sarah Banducci, Nathan Ward, and John Gasper conducted a study entitled, ââ¬Å"The Effects of Cell Phone and Text Message Conversations on Stimulated Street Crossingâ⬠Read MoreDistracted Driving Is One Of The Leading Cause Of Death Essay1396 Words à |à 6 Pages Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of death. ââ¬Å"Every year, about 421,000 people are injured in crashes that have involved a driver who was distracted in some way,â⬠(Hopkins). Even though this is true, people who use a cell phone while driving are not punished as harshly as drunk drivers. A DUI, driving while intoxicated, is a misdemeanor and could result in a few months in jail, as well as a fine. The punishments for a DUI get more severe each time someone is charged. While, the punishmentRead MoreCause and Effects of Texting While Drivi ng1260 Words à |à 6 Pagesï » ¿ Cause and Effects of Texting While Driving Texting while driving is a major issue affecting todayââ¬â¢s society. Texting has grown to be one of the biggest forms of communication among people, despite the fact that some of these messages might be sent from behind the wheel of a moving vehicle. As a result, distracted driving often occurs removing the main objective a driver should be focusing on; the road ahead. Texting-related vehicular accidents and fatalities have caused a majority of statesRead MoreDistracted Driving Argument Paper1574 Words à |à 7 Pagestechnology in wireless communications is presenting a growing concern for distracted driving due to using cell phones and other electronic devices while driving. Although distracted driving accidents and fatalities have risen in the last decade, placing a ban on the use of a cell phone or other electronic devices while operating a motor vehicle as some states have will not resolve the issue. In fact a ban on cell phones and driving may very well increase the acc ident and fatality rate because driversRead MoreDistracted Driving Essay1137 Words à |à 5 PagesDistracted driving is very dangerous to everyone on the road ways. à Distracted driving is engaging in non-driving activities that distracts the driver from the primary task of driving (SIRS). à In 2015, 3,477 people were killed in crashes involving a distracted driver (CDC). à Each year about 421,000 people are injured in crashes involving a distracted driver (Edgar Snyder). à à Drivers would not be texting if their message was not very important. à à Distracted driving should be illegal and security devices
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Wife Of Bath, By William Chaucer - 2261 Words
ââ¬Å"I have had five husbands at the church door- if I may have been legally married so often; and all were worthy men in their different waysâ⬠(Chaucer 183). The Wife of Bath is portrayed as a very flamboyant and domineering character. She enjoys things such as romance, traveling, and talking. The Wife of Bath is a feminist who depicts through her tale her radical belief that women should have dominion over their husbands. As shown in the opening quotation, the Wife of Bath is not afraid to admit that she had experienced five marriages. The Wife of Bathââ¬â¢s radical beliefs are demonstrated through the phylogeny in ââ¬Å"The Wife of Bath Prologue and Talesâ⬠, through utilizing sex to gain power, and through her feminist attitudes in each of her five marriages. The Wife of Bath begins her tale on what once was an isle of Britain full of fairies and elves. The area has now been taken over by friars and other mendicants. The tale begins with a young knight rapi ng a beautiful young maiden. Instead of decapitating the young knight, King Arthurââ¬â¢s Queen and her counsel decide on another challenge for the knight to complete. This challenge was for the young knight to discover what women desire most in the world. Should he succeed in this challenge, he will be fortunate enough to be able to keep his life. Still unsure of an answer to the challenge, the young knight heads to the castle to face his terrible fate. On his way, he meets an ugly old woman. This ugly old woman agrees toShow MoreRelatedWilliam Chaucer s The Wife Of Bath1347 Words à |à 6 PagesGod. British literature begins to introduce a new archetype for women that writers follow in stories by describing them with motherly characteristics and taboo ideas in texts, such as the epic poem, Beowulf, Geoffrey Chaucerââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Wife of Bathââ¬â¢s Prologueâ⬠and ââ¬Å"The Wife of Bathââ¬â¢s Taleâ⬠in The Canterbury Tales, and the play named The Begg arââ¬â¢s Opera, which brings forth the idea of what is morally acceptable characteristics for women in literature and why writers portray women as antagonist or protagonistRead MoreWilliam Chaucer s Wife Of Bath s Tale1523 Words à |à 7 Pagesshared code that dictates how one should act in any possible situation that may arise. While embarking on their epic journeys, knights are often put through trials that test the strength they have to uphold the Knightly Code. In Geoffrey Chaucerââ¬â¢s Wife of Bathââ¬â¢s Tale, the nameless knight disregards his duty to the Knightly Code in several instances throughout the tale. 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This is portrayed when Dhuoda states ââ¬Å"Dhuoda is always here to exhort you, my son, but in the anticipation of the day when I shall no longer be with you, you have here as a memento of me this little book of moral counselsâ⬠(DhuodaRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Othello And The Canterbury Tales Essay1369 Words à |à 6 PagesIn William Shakespeareââ¬â¢s novel, ââ¬Å"Othelloâ⬠and in Geoffrey Chaucerââ¬â¢s novel, The Canterbury Tales, include women throughout both novels. The novel, Othello is written in 1603 and The Canterbury Tales is written in the 1400ââ¬â¢s, duri ng the late Middle Ages. Women during the Late Middle Ages and the early Modern Period were portrayed differently then how women are portrayed today. Typically, during this time period of 1400-1600ââ¬â¢s, women roles during this time was weak. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
British Petroleum ( Bp ) - 2547 Words
BP is a British multinational oil and gas company; whose headquarters is on London. BP developed its reach in America by buying up companies like Standard Oil of Ohio, ARCO and Amoco (Tharoor). ââ¬Å"Twenty years ago, BP was nothing like the powerful multinational corporation it is todayâ⬠(PBS: Frontline). BP became this powerful company by using an ideology known as ââ¬Å"run to failure.â⬠In other words, use things until they break in order to save money (PBS: Frontline). Over the years, many oil companies have faced legal problems regarding the meeting of environmental standards, most notably was British Petroleum (BP). In recent memory, British Petroleum (BP) has been facing troubles year in and year out. In 2005, an explosion in Texas Cityâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦It brought BP a lot of assetsâ⬠(PBS: Frontline). The BP refinery in Texas City extends over ââ¬Å"two square miles on the outskirts of Galvestonâ⬠(Schorn). The BP refinery in Texas City is the third largest refinery in the United States. The Texas City refinery had been known to have significant problems and was known to be a dangerous place to work. In other words the refinery was falling apart (PBS: Frontline). On March 23, 2005, 15 people were killed and 170 were injured in an explosion at BPââ¬â¢s Texas City refinery (Schorn). ââ¬Å"It was the worst workplace accident in this country since 1989â⬠(Schorn). BP, like Amoco, considered replacing an antiquated blowdown drum used to collect gasoline. However, BP decided to bank a saving of $150,000 and just repair the blowdown drum, because ââ¬Å"capital expenditure was very tightâ⬠(Schorn). According to many experts, this savings was the direct cause of the 2005 explosion. On March 23, 2005, BP employees began restarting a unit that had been down for repairs. The blowdown drum began to fill with gasoline, but it overflowed and sent a geyser of gasoline into the air (PBS: Frontline). The cloud of gas created from the drum was ignited by an idle truck. The blast that followed destroyed several office trailers full of workers parked nearby (Schorn). After the blast, several investigations were performed by Chemical Safety Board and Secretary of State James Baker to discover the cause of the explosion. The investigation
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Self Esteem, Along With Self Identity Essay - 934 Words
According to Janet Gonzalez-Mena (1998.)â⬠Self-esteem, along with self-identity, comes from early experiences and continues up through school years into adolescence and adult hood. Children define themselves partly by looking at the images that they see reflected in the people around them.â⬠(Pg. 247) While outside of the close environment of my family I became nervous and concerned about what people thought about me. This was the beginning of recreating my self-esteem in a new environment. I think that self-esteem starts all over when you are put in a new community environments or family. Although it gets easier as you get older because you will already have the practice and understanding of your self. I was very sensitive at first coming out of my close family connections. The people I started to make a strong connection to were my teachers and teacher assistants. I think that this was because they supported me in my learning and the community of my classroom. Providing young children in a new environment it is important to encourage a healthy self-esteem. I think people need different types of support and encouragement. Most young children have different education support that might make some type of impact on their self-esteem. Some examples that can challenge childrenââ¬â ¢s self-esteem are language barriers, disabilities, economic status, and the type of learners they are. I think by the time I got to grade school I establish the type of way I in took information. All of myShow MoreRelatedWhy I Want For The People Who Will Influence My Identity Essay1689 Words à |à 7 Pagesresearch project is not headed in the direction of nose picking, as I have gotten older, this quote has caused me to reflect on the choices I have made in terms of who I am. If I do indeed hold the power to choose the people who will influence my identity the strongest, why did I not choose those who have allowed me to be authentic until now? 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Adole scence is a crucial time in developing a sense of self and strong self-esteem. Adolescent females experience low levels of self-esteem and have conflict with their identity during this time. The group proposal is designed to increase self-esteem and to teach new skills to have a stronger sense of self. Keywords: Adolescent, females, self-esteem GroupRead MoreRacial Identity Of African American Adolescents821 Words à |à 4 PagesAlong with that, racial identity is another big contributor to the degradation of African Americanââ¬â¢s youth mental health, as a weak racial identity results in poorly mishandled ways of coping with racism and stress. African American students as early as middle school engage in introspection of their racial identity, where they begin to discover who they are and the negative stereotypes surrounding their identity (Cheryl Holcomb-McCoy, 2007, p.256). 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Further, Mead elaboratesRead MoreTowards An Understanding Of Self Esteem And Eating Disorders1404 Words à |à 6 PagesTowards an Understanding of Self-Esteem and Eating Disorders By Melissa H. Smith, Ph.D. | Submitted On September 24, 2012 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Melissa H. Smith, Ph.D. During aRead MoreConsumers as Individuals ââ¬â the Self1498 Words à |à 6 PagesINDIVIDUALS ââ¬â THE SELF Self-concept The self-concept refers to the beliefs a person holds about their attributes, and how they evaluate these qualities. Components of the self-concept It is composed of many attributes, some of which are given greater emphasis when the overall self is being evaluated. Attributes of self-concept can be described along such dimensions as their content (for example, facial attractiveness vs. mental aptitude), positivity or negativity (i.e. self-esteem), intensityRead MoreThe Self Paper1268 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Self Paper Kimberly Kline Psych/555 January 20, 2014 Tracy Masiello The Self Paper This paper will define the concept of self, and explain how an individual develops a self-concept. It will explain the relationship between the self and emotion and how this relationship affects an individualââ¬â¢s self-esteem. It will also explain the relationship between the self and behavior and how this relationship affects an individualââ¬â¢s self-presentation.
Amish` Free Essays
string(38) " the education of the higher classes\." BIOGRAPHY OF MAHATMA PHULE by Dr. Y. D. We will write a custom essay sample on Amish` or any similar topic only for you Order Now Phadke. for the boâ⬠¦ http://www. dalitstan. org/books/slavery/slavry_b. html 1 of 6 6/23/2005 1:02 PM ââ¬âââ¬â- O ââ¬âââ¬â- Slavery by Mahatma Phule ââ¬âââ¬â- O ââ¬âââ¬â- Biography of Mahatma Phule Dr. Y. D. Phadke. [This brief Life Sketch of Mahatma Jotirao Phule is written by the noted the scholar Dr. Y. D. Phadke. He is the editor of the Collected Words of Mahatma Phule in Marathi. He is also an eminent scholar of Mahatma Phule and the Satyashodhak Movement. ] JOTIRAO GOVINDRAO PHULE occupies a unique position among the social reformers of Maharashtra in the nineteenth century. While other reformers concentrated more on reforming the social institutions of amily and marriage with special emphasis on the status and right of women, Jotirao Phule revolted against the unjust caste system under which millions of people had suffered for centuries. In particular, he courageously upheld the cause of the untouchables and look up the cudgels for the poorer peasants. He was a militant advocate of their right. The story of his stormy life is an inspiring saga of a continuous struggle whih he waged relentlessly against the forces of reaction. Though some keen observers of the social scene in Maharashtra like Narayan Mahadeo Parmananda did acknowledge his greatness in his lifetime, it is only in is only in recent decades that there is increasing appreciation of his service and sacrifice in uplifting the masses. Jotirao Phule was born in 1827. His father, Govindrao was a vegetable-vendor at Poona. Originally Jotiraoââ¬â¢s family known as Gorhays, came from Katgun, a village in the Satara district of Maharashtra, His grandfather Shetiba Gorhay settled down in Poona. Since Jotiraoââ¬â¢s father and two uncles served as florists under the last of the Peshwas, they came to be known as `Phuleââ¬â¢. Jotiraoââ¬â¢s mother passed away when he was hardly one year old. After completing his primary education, Jotirao had to leave the school and help his father by working on the familyââ¬â¢s farm. Jotiraoââ¬â¢s marriage was celebrated when he was not even thirteen. Impressed by Jotiraoââ¬â¢s intelligence and his love of knowledge two of his neighbours, one a Muslim teachr and another a Christian gentleman persuaded his father Govindrao to allow him to study in a secondary school. In 1841, got admission in the Scottish Missionââ¬â¢s High School at Poona. It was in his this school that he met SadashivBIOGRAPHY OF MAHATMA PHULE by Dr. Y. D. Phadke. for the boâ⬠¦ http://www. dalitstan. org/books/slavery/slavry_b. html 2 of 6 6/23/2005 1:02 PM Ballal Govande, a Brahmin, who remained a close friend throughout his life. Both Jotirao and Govande were greatly influenced by Thomas Paineââ¬â¢s ideas and they read with great interest Paineââ¬â¢s famous book ââ¬ËThe Rights of Man. ââ¬Ë Moro Vithal Valvekar and Sakharam Yashwant Paranjapye were two other Brahmin friends of Jotirao who in later years stood by him in all his activities. After completing his secondary education in 1847 Jotirao decided not to accept a job under the Government. An incident in 1848 made him aware of the iniquities of the caste system, the predominant position of the Brahmin in the social setup. He was invited to attend a wedding of one of his Brahmin friends. As the bridegroom was taken in a procession, Jotirao accompanied him along with the relatives of his Brahmin friends. Knowing that Jotirao belonged to the Mil caste which was considered to be inferior by the Brahmins, the relatives of the bridegroom insulted and abused him. Jotirao left the procession and retuned home. With tears in his eyes, he narrated his experience to his father who tried to pacify him. After this incident Jotirao made up his mind to defy the caste-system and serve the Shudras and women who were deprived of all their rights as human beings under the caste-system. Education of women and the lower castes, he believed, deserved priority, Hence he began educating his wife Savitribai and opened a girlsââ¬â¢ school in August 1848. The orthodox opponents of Jotirao were furious and they started a vicious campaign against him. He refused to be unnerved by their malicious propaganda. As no teacher dared to work in a which untouchable were admitted as students, Jotirao asked his wife to teach the girls in his school. Stones and brickbats were thrown at her when she was on her way to the school. The reactionaries threatened Jotiraoââ¬â¢s father with dire consequences if he did not dissociate himself Yielding to the pressure, Jotiraoââ¬â¢s father asked his son and the daughter in-law to leave his house as both of them refused to give up their noble endeavor. Though the school had to be closed for sometime due to lack of funds, Jotirao re-opened it with the help of his Brahmin friends Govande and Valvekar. On 3 July 1851, he founded a girlsââ¬â¢ school in which eight girls were admittedon the first day. Steadily the number of student increased. Savitribai taught in this school also and had to suffer a lot because of hostility of the orthodox people. Jotirao opened two more girlââ¬â¢s schools during 1851-52 in a memorial addressed to the Education Commission (popularly known as the Hunter Commission ) in 1882, he described his activities in the field of education, ` A year after the institution of the female school I also established and indigenous mixed school for the lower classes, especially the Mahars and Mangs. Tow more school for these classes were subsequently added. I continued to work in them for nearly nine to ten yearsââ¬â¢. Jotirao was aware that primary education among the masses in the Bombay Presidency was very much neglected. He argued that ââ¬Ëa good deal of their poverty,BIOGRAPHY OF MAHATMA PHULE by Dr. Y. D. Phadke. for the boâ⬠¦ http://www. dalitstan. org/books/slavery/slavry_b. html 3 of 6 6/23/2005 1:02 PM their want of self-reliance, their entire dependence upon the learned and intelligent classesââ¬â¢ could be attribute to the British Government for spending profusely a lar portion of revenue on the education of the higher classes. You read "Amish`" in category "Essay examples" According to him. this policy resulted in the virtual monopoly of all the higher offices under the Government by the Brahmins. Jotirao boldly attacked the stranglehold of the Brahmins, who prevented others from having access to all the avenues of Knowledge and influence. He denounced them as cheats and hypocrites. He asked the masses to resist the tyranny of the Brahmins. All his writings were variation on this theme. His critics made fun of his ignorance of grammar and philology, his inelegant language and far-fetched interpretation of Indian history and the ancient texts. They brushed his criticism aside by saying that he was merely echoing what the Christian missionaries had said about the Indian society in general and Brahmin in particular. The established scholars in his time did not take Phuleââ¬â¢s arguments seriously. His critics did not realise that Jotiraoââ¬â¢s acrimonious criticism was basically a spontaneous outburst of a genuine concern for the equal rights of human beings Emotionally he was so deeply involved in his work that he could not make a dispassionate analysis and take a detached view of the social forces. Jotiraoââ¬â¢s deep sense of commitment to basic human values made it difficult for him to restrain himself when he witnessed injustice and atrocities committed in the name of religion by those who were supposed to be its custodians. Widow remarriages were banned and child-marriage was very common among the Brahmin and other upper castes in the then Hindu society. Many widows were young and not all of them could live in a manner in which the orthodox people expected them to live. Some of the delinquent widows resorted to abortion or left their illegitimate children to their fate by leaving them on the streets. Out of pity for the orphans, jotirao Phule established an orphanage, possible the first such institution founded by a Hindu. Jotirao gave protection to pregnant widows and assured them that the orphanage would take care of their children. It was in this orphanage run by Jotirao that a Brahmin widow gave birth to a boy in 1873 and Jotirao adopted him as his son. For sometime, Jotirao worked as a contractor for the government and supplied building material required for the construction of a huge barrage at Khadakvasala near Poona. He had a direct experience of working with the officials of the Public Works Department which was notorious as a hotbed of corruption. Except the British officers holding very high positions in the Department. the clerks and other officers were invariably Brahmin and they exploited the illiterate workers. Jotirao felt in necessary to explain to the workers how they were duped by the Brahmin officials . in one of the ballads composed by him, he described vividly the fraudulent practices resorted to by the Brahmin officials in the Public Works Department (printed at the end of `Slaveryââ¬â¢)BIOGRAPHY OF MAHATMA PHULE by Dr. Y. D. Phadke. for the boâ⬠¦ http://www. dalitstan. org/books/slavery/slavry_b. html 4 of 6 6/23/2005 1:02 PM In 1868, Jotirao decided to give access to the untouchables to small bathing tank mere his house. In his controversial book called Slavery published in June 1873, Jotirao included a manifesto which declared that he was willing to dine with all regardless of their caste, creed or country of origin. It is significant that several newspapers refused to give publicity to the manifesto because of its contents. His book Slavery was severely criticised for its `venomous propagandaââ¬â¢ against the Brahmins. Jotio dedicated this book `to the good people of the United States as a token of admiration for their sublime, disinterested and self sacrificing devotion in the cause of Negro Slaveryââ¬â¢. The book is written in the form of a dialogue. After tracing the history of the Brahmin domination in India, Jotirao examined the motives and objects of cruel and inhuman laws framed by the brahmins. Their main object in fabricating these fasehoods was to dupe the minds of the ignorant and rivet firmly on them the chains of perpetual bondage and slavery which their selfishness and cunning had forged, The severity of the laws as affecting the Sudras and the intense hatred with which they were regarded by the Brahmins can be explained on no other supposition but that there was, originally between the two, a deadly feud arising from the advent of the latter in to this land. Jotirao argued that the sudras were the sons of the soil while the Brahmins came from outside and usurped everything that was possessed by the `not one hundredth part of the rogueriesââ¬â¢ that were generally practsed on his `poor, illiterate and ignorant Sudra brethrenââ¬â¢. On 24 September 1873 , Jotirao convened a meeting of his followers and admirers and it was decided to form the ââ¬ËSatya Shodhak Samajââ¬â¢ (Society of Seekers of Truth) with Jotirao as its first president and treasurer. Every member had to take pledge of loyalty to the British Empire. The main objectives of the organisation were to liberate the Shudras and Ati Shudras and to prevent their exploitation by the Brahmins. All the members of the Satya Shodhak Samaj were expected to treat all human being as children of God and worship the Creator without the help of any mediator. Membership was open to all and the available evidence proves that some Jews were admitted as members. In 1876. Jotirao refused to regard the Vedas as sacrosanct. He opposed idolatry and denounced the chaturvarnya. In his book Sarvajanik Satya Dharma Pustak published in 1891, his views on religious and social issues are given in the form of f dialogue. According to him,both men and women were entitled to enjoy equal rights and it was a sin to discriminate between human being on the basis of sex. He stressed the unity of man and envisaged a society based on liberty, equality and fraternity. He was aware that religious bigotry and aggressive natioalism destroy the unity of man. In 1876 Jotirao was nominated as a member of the Poona Municipality, He tried to help the people in the famine-stricken areas of Maharashtra when a severe famine in 1877 forced people in the rural area to leave their villages. Some of them had to leave their children behind and appeal issued on 17 May 1877 by Jotirao indicates that theBIOGRAPHY OF MAHATMA PHULE by Dr. Y. D. Phadke. for the boâ⬠¦ http://www. dalitstan. org/books/slavery/slavry_b. html 5 of 6 6/23/2005 1:02 PM Victoria Orphanage was founded under the auspices of the Satya Shodhak Samaj to took after these unfortunate children. From the beginning of the year 1879 Krishnarao Bhalekar, one of his colleagues, edited a weekly called Deenbandhu which was the organ f the Satya Shodhak Samaj. The weekly articulated the grievances of the peasants and workers. Deenbandhu defended Jotirao when Vishnushastri Chiplunkar, a powerful spokesmen of the conservative nationalists, attacked Jotiraoââ¬â¢s writing in the most vitriolic style. Narayan Meghaji Lokhande was another prominent colleague of Jotirao, Lokhande is acclaimed as the Father of Trade Union Movement in India From 1880 onward, he look over the management of Deenbabdhu which published from Bombay. Along with Lokhande. Jotirao also addressed the meetings of the textile workers in Bombay. It is significant that before and his colleagues Bhalekar and Lokhande tried to organise the peasants and the workers, no such attempt was made by any organisation to redress their grievances. One of the charges levelled by Jotirao against the leaders of the Brahmo Samaj and the Prarthana Samaj, the Sarvajanik Sabha and the Indian National Congress was that despite their programmes, in reality, they did very little to improve the lot of the masses. He felt that these organisations were dominated by the Brahmins and were not truly representative in character. In his booklet called Satsara (The Essence of Truth) published in June 1885, he criticised the Brahmo Samaj and the Prarthana Samaj. Addressing their leaders he declared, ââ¬ËWe donââ¬â¢t need the help of your organisations. Donââ¬â¢t worry about usââ¬â¢ In his book, Sarvajanik Sabha or the Indian National Congress. He warnhat the persistent demand made by these organisation for Indianisation of the administrative services, if accepted, would lead to Brahminisation of the service in India. He thought that it was difficult to create a sense of nationality so long as the restriction on dining and marrying outside the caste continued to observed by people belonging to different castes. Education of the masses would promote the process of nation-making. It should be remembered that just as Jotirao did not mince words when he criticised the leaders of tormist movement he was equally fearless in criticising the decision of the alien rulers which did not contribute to the welfare of the masses. When the government wanted to grant more licences for liquor-shop, Jotirao condemned this move as he believed that addiction to liquor would ruin many poor families. On 30 November 1880, the President of the Poona Municipality requested the members of approve his proposal of spending one thousand rupees on the occasion of the visit of Lord Lytton, the Governor-General of India. The official wanted to present him an address during his visit to Poona. Lytton had passed an Act which resulted in gagging the press and Deenbandhu, the organ of the Satya Shodhak Samaj, had protested against the restriction on the right to freedom of the press. Jotirao did not like the idea of spending the money of the tax- payers in honouring a guest like Lytton. HeBIOGRAPHY OF MAHATMA PHULE by Dr. Y. D. Phadke. for the boâ⬠¦ http://www. dalitstan. org/books/slavery/slavry_b. html 6 of 6 6/23/2005 1:02 PM boldly suggested that the amount could be very well spent on the education of the poor people in poona. He was the only member out of all the thirty-two nominated members of the Poona Municipality who voted against the official resolution. Another incident also revealed his attachment for the poor easant and his courage in drawing the attention of member of the British royal family to the sufferings of the framers in rural areas, On 2 March 1888, Hari Raoji Chiplunkar, a friend of Jotirao, arranged a function in honour of the Duke and Duchess of Connaught. Dressed like a peasant, Jotirao attended the function and made a speech,. He commented on the rich invitees who displayed their wealth by wearing diamond studded jewellery and warne d the visiting dignitaries that the people who had gathered there did not represent India. If the Duke of Connaught was really interested in finding out the condition of the Indian subjects of Her Majesty the Queen of England, Jotirao suggested that the ought to visit some nearby village as well as the areas in the city occupied by the untouchables. He requested the Duke of Connaught who was a gandson of Queen Victoria to convey his message to her and made a strong plea to provide education to the poor people, Jotiraoââ¬â¢s speech created quit a stir. Throughout his life. Jotirao Phule fought for the emancipation of the downtrodden people and the struggle which he launched at a young age ended only when he died on 28 November 18 He was a pioneer in many fields and among his contemporaries he stands out as one who never wavered in his quest for trust for and justice, Thought he was often accused of fomenting hatred between the non Brahmins, very rarely an attempt was made to consider his scathing criticism in a broad perspective. The later generation also took considerable time to understand and appreciate the profound significance of his unflinching espousal of the rights of man remained till the end of his life a major theme of his writings and a goal of his actions. [p. xxii] Dr. Y. D. PHADKE ââ¬â o o O o o ââ¬â [ Table of Contents ] [ Preface THE END How to cite Amish`, Essay examples
Presentation and Management of Chronic Pain â⬠
Question: Discuss about the Presentation and Management of Chronic Pain. Answer: Introduction The current assignment focuses upon pharmacological management of a patient in end of life care. The assignment discusses regarding the various aspects of pharmacological management. Here, emphasis have been placed upon the overall health condition of the patient, as the pharmacological management becomes considerably difficult when the patient is suffering from a number of co-morbid conditions. For instance, in case of acute gastroenterology pain, the medicines may not be effective in management of the patient condition (Weinberg, Smalley, Heidelbaugh Sultan, 2014, p.1147). The assignment focuses upon the removal of strong medicines, which could initiate side effects in the patient when continued for longer period of time and provision of alternate medication strategies. However, a number of hindrances are faced over here such as lack of cooperation from the patient as well as loss of hope of recovery. Some of these may act as discouraging aspects in the delivery of care. The current study focuses upon the aspect of pharmacological management for an end of life patient suffering from bowel cancer. Here, JR is an 80 years old female patient diagnosed with bowel cancer and has been affected with abdominal pain and constipation. The bowel cancer of JR is at an advanced stage and has been accompanied by a number of co-morbid conditions such as urinary tract infection, incontinence of urine and faecal, constipation, abdominal pain, hypertension and increased anxiety. The rejection to take chemotherapy can further alleviate the problem. However, she wants to discontinue with the use of the same and lead a comfortable and pain free life. Though, the patient has been on chemotherapy along with radiation therapy for a while. The abdominal pain and situation of constipation required the patient to use excess PRN medications. However, it had little therapeutic effect on the patient. Some of the medicine doses which were administered to the patient over here were endone 5 mg bd; panadole 500 mg X 2 bds; Movicol one X BD; Oxazepam; atorvastatin. The patient also reported allergy for keflex, which caused nausea in the patient. The patient is supported through the crisis by her husband and two children. The patient also had a past history of smoking which could contributed significantly in the development of colon cancer in the patient. Therefore, in order to relieve the patient from the present health situation it was required that an effective pain control mechanism be designed for the patient. Hence, the assessment will be mainly upon the control of pain owing to bowel cancer and constipation in the patient. Patient management plan Identified problems Goals and specific outcome criteria Patient and nurse practitioner actions Time for follow up Constipation Relieve the symptoms of constipation in the patient Outcome : Patient should show less dependence upon laxatives The nursing professional should put the patient under an effective care process where medicine administration will be balance with physiotherapy sessions to normalise the bowel movements pattern of the patient JR. The follow up should be done on weekly basis. Abdominal pain The pain in the patient to be controlled with the help of effective medication management The pain to be measured with the help of a Braden scale Outcome: The patient should be able to report less pain The patient to be provided with cognitive behavioural and therapeutic approaches which will help the patient develop a less critical response to pain. The entire process to be followed up on a weekly basis. (Source: Author) Assessment of patient condition through clinical reasoning cycle In order to administer effective constipation management and pain control treatment to the patient it was required to access the clinical condition of the patient. For the purpose of which the clinical reasoning cycle could have been used over here. The clinical reasoning cycle could be divided into a number of steps a few of them have been discussed over the following sections. The patient here had been suffering from bowel cancer and was previously subjected to chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Additionally, excess use of PRN medications has been seen to result in additional abdominal discomfort in the patient (Mayer et al., 2015, p.1915). The patient was put on some of the regular medications such as endone 5 mg which was provided to the patient for effective pain control. The Panadole was also administered to the patient for effective pain management as the paracetamol helped in the controlling of pain. The movicol was administered for the management of constipation in the patient. The patient was also put on anti-anxiety drugs such as oxazepam for the management of anxiety in the patient. However, as argued by Beaugerien and Itzkowitz (2015, p.1452), excessive intake of anti-anxiety drugs could have strong impact upon the digestive system by a altering the HCL secretion capacity of the stomach and produce further negative symptoms in colorectal cancer. Additionally, higher doses of analgesics could also lead to intestinal cramping or intestinal contractions. Processing of the information The vital signs in the patient could be related to the clinical conditions as follows: Abdominal pain the abdominal pain could arise due to bowel incontinence in the patient Constipation- the constipation or the inability to pass gas or stool could be referred to the presence of bowel obstruction in the patient. In this respect, the patient had been suffering from bowel cancer which made daily life difficult for the patient. The patient suffered from incontinence in the passing of bowel and suffered from incontinence. Due to this, the patient suffered from increased amount of abdominal pain and had to depend on huge amount of pain killer for controlling her pain. However, as supported by Cho et al. (2015, p.712), increased uptake of paracetamol could lead to intestinal coiling in the patient. Some of the most common causes of constipation are inadequate fluid intake and excessive intake of pain medications (Nalliah et al., 2017, p.139). However, considering the condition of the patient JR the constipation could be due to improper bowel movement, which could be again attributed to bowel obstruction. Establishment of goals In order to deal with the current health situation of the patient a number of goals could be designed. Some of which have been represented as follows: The patient to be provided with effective counselling sessions in order to alter or change the attitude of the patient towards pain which could reduce the feeling of anxiety towards pain in the patient The symptoms as well as the amount of pain faced by the patient to be monitored with the help of Braden scale. The lifestyle and eating patterns of the patient could be closely monitored as the focus should be to increase the quantity of roughage in the diet of the patient The patient need to be moved around more freely as being bound to the bed can obstruct the faecal movement in the patient further, as the bowel fails to move effectively through the intestine. The entire process to be followed up on a weekly basis. Here the goals would be reduce the pain symptoms in the patient by effective medication management. Additionally, reducing the dependence on painkiller or increasing the gap between the administrations of two such doses could be relieving the symptoms of constipation in the patient. At the end of the assessment the patient should report reduction in pain along with better expulsion of waste through the body. Critical discussion of pharmacological management of constipation In order to discuss regarding the management of constipation though medication it is necessary to understand the causes and side effects of constipation. Constipation is expressed in several forms and the symptoms vary from individual to individual (Salvatore et al., 2016, p.68). These could be explained on the basis of stool frequency, stool form as well as difficulty with evacuation. Therefore, all these conditions could be described under a common condition known as irritable bowel syndrome. In majority of the cases, some of the conditions expressed by the patient are thought to be simply a part of irritable bowel syndrome. However, as supported by Misale et al. (2015, p.112), the condition could be much chronic in patient with cancer. As the bowel obstruction makes evacuation difficult for the patient. Hence, a number of different symptoms are noted in the patient such as abdominal cramping and pain in the tummy. In the current study the patient has been seen to be dependent main ly upon painkillers and analgesics for the controlling of pain. However, excess dosage of the painkillers has been seen to trigger involuntary contractions in the stomach wall which could further alleviate the condition of pain within the patient. On the contrary, bowel obstruction makes normal passage of faeces difficult for the patient. Hence, the patient has to be dependent upon the external medicine sources for facilitating proper bowel movements. In this respect, JR was given a range of medications for controlling the symptoms of constipation and pain. However, none of the medications were found to produce sufficient relief in the patient. Recently focus has been shifted upon the use of alternate medicines made out of plant extracts for relieving the symptoms of constipation and abdominal pain in the patient (Muldrew et al., 2018, p.515). Some of these pharmacological interventions could be discussed in the present context. The movicol was administered to relieve the symptoms o f constipation in the patient. However, there are a number of side effects of the administration of movicol such as bloating of the abdomen, abdominal pain accompanied by a feeling of nausea and vomiting. Therefore, the patient had to be put on an effective and alternate medication pattern. As mentioned by Star Boland (2018, p.13), more emphasis needs to be put on the administration of herbal medication or laxatives made out of plant extracts as they have been associated with reduced side effects. The FDA had recently approved the administration of bulking agents, which are mainly organic polysaccharides and act by encouraging water retention in the stool (Chua Nieh, 2017, p.62). Some such herbal remedies which could have been suggested to JR over here are- Psyllium, Bran, Methylcellulose, Calcium polycarbophil, stool softeners, ducosate, stimulant laxatives, osmotic laxatives etc. Psyllium is the husk of the seed of Planatago ovata, which have shown improved results in controlling some of the events of faecal impaction (Chang et al., 2017, p.1120). As reported by Lacy et al. (2016, p.1402), out of the three placebo controlled trials two have shown improved in evacuation techniques. However as argued by Lacy et al. (2016, p.1402), the psyllium husk has been seen to take considerably longer amount of time for producing the desired results. On the other hand bran has been found to be less effective in reduction or controlling the rate of bowel obstruction. However as argued by Prommer (2015, p.420), some of these drugs have been found to be ineffective in people with strong faecal impaction. As mentioned by Drew, Cao Chan (2016, p.173), methylcellulose laxatives have been found to be more effective in people with chronic obstruction. In this context, the use of dulcolax drops has been particularly useful in relieving the constipation in the patient. The dulcolax drop helps in stimulates the bowel and helps in the formation of soft tools. The active ingredient sodium picosulphate has been particularly beneficial in relieving the symptoms of constipation in the patient. Research has shown that the drug could be effectively taken by children as well as adult of all age groups on a regular basis and the rate of side effects have been comparatively less. Since, some of these drugs have been seen to produce relatively lesser or no side effect, they have been prescribed in patients with chronic bowel obstruction. However, in the lack of knowledge regarding the exact medication patterns and doses the pronouncement of the effect in the patient may not be well understood. A number of clinical studies and trials have placed importance upon the use of polyethylene glycol derivatives for controlling the severity of constipation and reducing abdominal pain in the patient(Oczkowski, Duan, Groen, Warren Cook, 2017, p.721). As argued by Hofman et al. (2015, p.1778), in 40% of the cases the administration of PEG has resulted in the occurrence of diarrhoea in bowel cancer patients. However, JR had a number of health co-morbidities which made medication management difficult in the patient. She reported urinary tract infection and faecal impaction, which made the administration of herbal drugs and curatives difficult for the patient. As mentioned by Punt, Koopman Vermeulen (2017, p.235), excessive intake of such dry husks have been worsen the situation of urine incontinence in the patient with bowel cancer. Additionally, huge amount of restrictions are faced by the healthcare professionals with respect to the medication management in end of life care patients. Some of these barriers are presented due to differential opinions possessed by the patients regarding certain therapies and medications. The patients who are going though the end of life crisis find little hope in the treatment methods and procedures which are expressed in the form of non-cooperation with the medical fraternities, which makes yielding the end result even more difficult. Pharmacological management of abdominal pain Pain management is medicine branch that deals with the improving the quality of life as well pain reduction through the effective pharmacological management. Management of pain is very vital for the patients having cancer because even after undergoing surgery one in three patients are experiencing pain after treatment. The patients that are affected with the advanced cancer are most likely to suffer from severe pain. Other than the radiotherapy and the chemotherapy there are other types of treatment procedures called targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and surgery (Jamison Edwards, 2012, p.62). The targeted therapy for the colorectal cancer is also called the monoclonal antibody therapy. The bioengineered proteins come from the monoclonal antibodies that help in increasing the bodys immune system and helps in the identification, destruction, attack and of the colorectal cancer cells. Monoclonal antibodies therapy can be used alone or in combination with the other types of therapy like chemotherapy. There are several kinds of drugs that that help in the treatment of the metastatic colorectal cancer. Bevacizumab (Avastin)- this medicine prevents the tumour from further growth by blocking the growth of the blood vessels in to the tumour cells. This helps in effectively cutting off the supply of nutrients from reaching the tumour cells. Panitumumab (Vectibix)- this medicine targets the epidermal growth factor receptor and thus effectively preventing the signals from moving inside the colorectal cancer cells. this medicine thus effectively prevents the growth and division (Hagan, Orr Doyle, 2013, p.3). Cetuximab (Erbitux)- this medicine works by attaching to a protein called the epidermal growth factor receptor, as this cell exits on the surface of the cells. This type of therapy prevents the signals from reaching the colorectal cancer cells, which further prevents the cells growth and division (Farzaei, M. H., Bahramsoltani, R., Abdollahi, M., Rahimi, 2014, p.558). The other types of the drug used for the targeted therapy are the Zaltrap, Stivarga. These medicines also cut off the blood supply and prevents the signal passage respectively (Hagan, Orr Doyle, 2013). Immunotherapy, for the treatment of the colorectal cancer is made for the purpose of enhancing the bodys immune system and recognize, attack and finally kill them. Checkpoint inhibitors can be used to for the disruption of the signalling receptors that cleverly disguise the cancer cells from the immune system. There is a drug called the pembrolizumab (Keytruda) and it is used to treat the patients with metastatic colorectal tumour that is in inoperable condition. Such patients also have genetic features called the mismatch repair deficiency or microsatellite instability-high. This defect has been in 90 percent of the patients along with the patients that have lynch syndrome. The immune therapy helps in the treatment of the patients and the responses sometimes vary (Lynch Murphy, 2016, p.72). Surgery for the colorectal cancer treatment is one most common form. The surgery involves the removal of the tumours and also the section of the colon in which the tumour is found (Rajapakse, Liossi Howard, 2014, p.175). Sometimes it becomes necessary to remove the entire colon along with the healthy intestine and the lymph nodes. The patients that undergo the surgery receive the radiation therapy or chemotherapy before or after the surgery procedures (Peters, Muir Gibson, 2014, p.1170). These therapies altogether can shrink the tumour and are effectively used to target the tumour cells that are left even after the surgery (Lee et al., 2017, p.206). A randomized control trial was conducted to using the different types of the drugs available for the treatment of the colorectal cancer. It was found that the treatment procedure of utilizing the drugs is found to be much more effective for the overall survival of the patients and in leading a disease free life (Akhtar et al., 2014, p.177). In case all other methods of treatment fail Targin 5/2.5 mf tablets could be suggested to the patient. It is mainly suggested in case of chronic pain when other medication therapies have failed to reduce the pain. The slow release of oxycodone and naloxone has been effective in controlling the acute pain. As mentioned Star Boland (2018, p.15), the slow release ensures that the patient can combat with the consequence of drug overdose. Discussion of alternate therapies and procedures A number of alternate procedures and therapies could be suggested for coping with the deteriorating health condition of JR. JR had been bound to bed and at the progressive stage of bowel cancer. Her physical conditions provided her with little scope to spend time with her family. Additionally, the lack of hope and positivity to recover fully further affected the mental well being of JR. Therefore, apart from the medication and remedies which were provided to her she could have been put into effective counselling sessions. As mentioned by Chua Nieh (2016, p.62), the counselling sessions were supposed to restore faith and positivity in the patient. Additionally, implementing effective physiotherapies in the daily care routine of the patient can facilitate effective movements of bowel (Chang, Lembo Sultan, 2014, p.1170). However as supported by Afrin et al. (2012, p.169), in the end of life palliative care it is more important to focus upon reduction of the pain in the patient with bowel cancer and provide them with a holistic and positive care regimen. Therefore, apart from pharmacological interventions focussing upon the diet of the patient and including more roughage in the diet of the patient can help in the elimination of waste from the body (Akhtar, Chandel, Sarotra Medhi, 2014, p.177). Conclusion The assignment argues regarding the various clinical and pharmacological aspects for the end of life palliative care. However, the pharmacological intervention and methods have been found to be associated with a number of limitations. Some of these limitations are offered due to lack of resources as well as insufficient cooperation from the participants. In this respect, a number of alternate medication strategies and procedures have also been highlighted over here. For example, maintaining the diet of the patient in an effective manner by incorporation of more roughage implementing more effective counselling sessions for the patient. This can help in generating the hope of survival in the patient based upon which the patient show better responses to the altered medicines. 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Friday, May 1, 2020
Mona Recinos Essay Example For Students
Mona Recinos Essay 12/18/03Bartleby EssayAh Bartleby, Ah Humanity! This is the key to the short story byHerman Melville Bartleby, because it indicates that the image of Bartlebystands as a symbol for humanity on a universal level. This story isappealing for its symbolism. This, in turn, functions as a commentary onsociety and the working world. Bartleby is a seemingly homeless, mentallydisturbed scrivener who gives up on the prospect of living life andalienates himself from it. Bartleby embodies many conflicts of humanitysuch as mortality, alienation, and mans desire for peace. With thesecharacteristics, the last line of this short story is very significant. As one of the conflicts embodied by Bartleby, mortality plays an unusualrole. Death pervades in the story but not as the end of somebodys life,but as a kind of living death. The act of living is the real death forBartleby. Life to this strange and mysterious man seems full of meaninglesstasks and hard times that he prefers not to take apart in. As said in thestory, happiness courts the light, so we deem the world is gay; butmisery hides aloof, so we deem that misery there is none, society tends totake in the happy light and block the misery. No one realizes that Bartlebyis miserable in his own skin, even the narrator seems to un-notice hissadness. The only means of protection that Bartleby had against the world is toalienate himself from it. While working as a scrivener, he began toalienate himself from his coworkers. He cut off all communication from themonly responding to their questions and comments with I would prefer notto. He did not socialize with anyone; he stayed confined in his littlecorner on Wall Street, seemingly perfectly content with being alone. WhenBartleby is sent to prison, even then he separates himself from the rest ofthe prisoners and workers. There in this tomb Bartleby dies alone,alienated from society, and humanity. The last conflict embodied in Bartleby, is the want of peace. Both thenarrator of this story and Bartleby demonstrated many calm reactions torude and disrespectful comments. Their characters were tested when Bartlebyrefused to work, refused to eave the building, and even the refusal ofanswering simple questions. Both men kept cool and relaxed during verytense discussions about these topics. The narrator described the fact thathe wanted to keep the peace between them, and therefor never lashed out. This decision of his eventually ended Bartleby in prison and dead. Humanity is defined in the dictionary as the human race. The lastline in Melvilles story reads Ah Bartleby! Ah Humanity! This symbolizesthe UN happiness he felt towards the human race. He felt that it was theirfault that Bartleby was dead, and it was there fault that all Bartlebys inthe world live and act the way they o. I believe That many people are naveto think that the world is a never ending happy place. The world willprobably never be fully happy because although you may be able to fix theappearance of someones living environment, and appearance, the wounds ofthe soul are forever going to be there. I might give (charity) to hisbody, but his body did not pain him: it was his soul that suffered, and hissoul I could not reach.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Bird Imagery In Portrait Of The Artist free essay sample
As A Young Man Essay, Research Paper Bird Imagery in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man The plants of twentieth-century Irish author James Joyce resound vividly with a alone humanity and mastermind. His novel, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, published in 1916, is a convincing journey through the interior head and spirit of Stephen Dedalus. Portrayed with unbelievable eloquence and pragmatism, imagination guides the reader through the fleet current of growing touchable in the juvenile hero. Above all heavy imagination in the novel is the repeating bird motive. Joyce uses birds to finally associate Stephen to the Daedelus myth of the? hawklike adult male ; ? nevertheless, these images besides represent Stephen? s day-to-day experiences, and hankering for true freedom ( page169 ) . By utilizing imagination of birds as threatening, images of beauty, and images of flight, the reader can unite the work and better understand Stephen? s disruptive journey through life. We will write a custom essay sample on Bird Imagery In Portrait Of The Artist or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The opening scene of Chapter one portrays a conversation between a really immature Stephen and Dante, Stephen? s nursemaid. She scolds him for an unconventional idea, warning him that? the bird of Joves will come and draw out [ your ] eyes? ( 8 ) . This evidently in writing image suggests to Stephen the endangering presence of bird of Joves that are minding all his ideas. Joyce? s color with such ghastly imagination has a existent consequence on Stephen ; he repetitions Dante? s cautiousness in his childish vocal, intonation: ? Pull out his eyes, Apologize? ( 8 ) . A playful, yet sensitive Stephen must instantly conform Pfeiffer 2 even his guiltless irregular actions in fright of the threatening apparition bird of Joves to salvage the effects they will convey. His ideas are threatened once more by birds when he meets an familiarity named Heron when walking down a dark street. Stephen instantly notes the peculiar image of Heron? s? bird face every bit good as a bird? s name? ( 76 ) . Through descriptive images of Heron? s? nomadic face, beaked like a bird? s? and his ? close set outstanding eyes which were light and inexpressive, ? Joyce enables the reader to non merely visualize his birdlike features but besides adds penetration to Stephen? s ideas toward his unchaste equals ( 76 ) . Heron twits Stephen, sarcastically calling him a? theoretical account young person? who? doesn? T coquette and doesn? T darn anything or curse all? ( 76 ) . This blazing comment by the bird-like male child is an obvious verbal menace to Stephen? s character. Continued as Heron and his friend viscously chide Stephen for his esteem for Byron? s poesy, Joyce? s bird imagination bears in this scene a restraint of Stephen? s singularity by endangering his self-expression. As Stephen mentally develops in the patterned advance of the novel, he begins his hunt for the? free dom and power of his psyche, as the great inventor whose name he bore? would hold done ( 170 ) . Stephen is now at the beach, chew overing his new sense of adulthood as he grows? near to the wild bosom of life? ( 171 ) . Walking down a bouldery incline, he takes notice to a miss? entirely and still, staring out to sea? ( 171 ) . Stephen watches her, and awed by her? similitude of a unusual and beautiful sea-bird, ? he realizes she is the prototype of all that is? the admiration of mortal beauty? ( 171 ) . Painted by Joyce? s beaming imagination of the? darkplumaged dove? he sees before him, this rationalisation is the footing of Stephen? s internal epiphany ; she is, to Pfeiffer 3 Stephen, ? an minister plenipotentiary from the just tribunals of life? ( 171, 172 ) . This wholesome bird-like miss with? long slender bare legs ( that ) were delicate as a Crane? s, ? gives Stephen a perceptual experience of a true virtuous beauty he has neer known before, and a naming to? animate life out of life, ? as is the function of the true creative person he aspires to be ( 171, 172 ) . A few old ages subsequently on the stairss of a library stripling Stephen bases, inquiring? what birds are they? as he watches tonss of birds fly free above him, their? fliting quaking organic structures winging clearly against the sky? ( 224 ) . Now more restless and philosophical, he wonders at their images. Joyce? s genuinely hearable imagination of the birds? ? call ( that ) was shrill and clear and all right and falling like togss of silken visible radiation? is, for Stephen, ? cold clamor [ comforting ] his ears? ( 224 ) . Stephen Dedalus sees consolation in the birds? ? waver of wings ; ? they are the cardinal symbol of the freedom he is ready to hold for his ain ( 224 ) . He wishes to hold their release from the society he knows as he reflects on: ? The correspondence of birds to things of the mind and of how the animals of the air have their cognition and cognize their times and seasons because they, unlike adult male, are in the order of their life and have non perverted that order by ground? ( 224 ) . In order to seek true emancipation, Stephen? must travel away for they were birds of all time traveling and coming # 8230 ; of all time go forthing the places they had built to wander? ( 225 ) . Stephen resolves to go forth his Irish fatherland ; free and wild as his images of the birds. Pfeiffer 4 The properties which mold Stephen Dedalus? turning unity and life determinations stem from the actions which surround him. The reader associates Stephen by the images he encounters and his reaction to them. In James Joyce? s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Stephen? s connexion with bird imagination helps to specify his hunt for a function in his society, and helps readers define and place with his pursuit. 371
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